Lumbar osteochondrosis

methods of treatment of osteochondrosis

Lumbar osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the spine in the lumbar region. Pain syndrome is caused by damage to the intervertebral disc, spinal roots, nerve fibers and cartilage tissue. For the treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis, you need to contact a neurologist.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

  • severe pain syndrome that can radiate to the legs and pelvic organs
  • pain in the kidneys and sacrum
  • numb limbs
  • stiffness
  • tension in the lumbar region
  • fatigue, weakness
  • dizziness

Lumbar osteochondrosis has a course gender characteristic. Vertebrogenic pain, which occurs as a result of nerve root compression by altered cartilage in the intervertebral disc, is more difficult for women than for men. Pain intensity is directly related to estrogen levels. The lower their indicator, the more pronounced the pain.

In addition, reflected lumbosacral pain syndrome may be associated with equivalent disease of internal organs. In women, diseases of the genitourinary sphere occur, for men, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are more characteristic.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region

Treatment of patients with neurological manifestations of lumbosacral osteochondrosis should be comprehensive and phased. At the first medical appointment, clinical and functional examinations were performed (clarification of complaints and anamnesis) and clinical examinations. A neurologist examines the dynamic and static function of the spine, evaluates the posture and tone parameters of the paravertebral muscles, determines the degree of mobility of various parts of the spine and limbs. Standard treatment regimens for osteochondrosis include:

  • bad load exception
  • immobilization (use of corsets, orthoses, orthopedic styling)
  • drug therapy
  • physiotherapy procedures
  • gentle acupressure sequence
  • exercise therapy
  • acupuncture
  • mud therapy
  • traction technique

If conservative methods do not provide the desired effect, surgical intervention may be required.

Physiotherapy for lumbar osteochondrosis

To eliminate pain, reduce swelling, normalize back muscle tone, activate the recovery process, resolve fibrous focus and improve mobility of damaged segments, a set of physiotherapeutic procedures is used:

  • pulsed diadynamic current
  • darsonvalization
  • magnetotherapy (exposure to static or alternating magnetic fields)
  • laser treatment
  • medical electrophoresis
  • UV irradiation
  • local cryotherapy
  • ultrasound
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Thanks to the combination of physiotherapy with the simultaneous use of several methods, the effectiveness of therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis increased by 30%.


A special role in the conservative treatment of degenerative pathology of the musculoskeletal system is given to recreational physical education. Rehabilitation center instructors develop individual complexes of dynamic exercise and stretching therapy exercises for spinal osteochondrosis. This takes into account the gender, age and physical ability of the patient.

Optimized therapeutic exercises aim to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, pelvic area and lower legs. Thanks to exercise therapy, pathological muscle tension is eliminated, pressure on the intervertebral disc is reduced, swelling and pain are eliminated, the spine is stabilized, and posture is improved.

Surgical intervention

The absolute indication for decompression surgery is disabling radiculomyeloishemia. This dangerous pathological condition is caused by hernia compression at the nerve root and impaired blood flow in the sacrococcygeal zone. It leads to unbearable intermittent pain, pelvic organ dysfunction, intermittent claudication, and other motor, reflex or sensory disturbances. The relative indication for operative stabilization is the lack of effect of long-term conservative therapy (more than 1. 5-2 months).

The endoscopic method of osteoplasty is recognized as the most optimal: installation of interbody implants and fixation of cages made of biocompatible materials. Minimally invasive interventions quickly restore the ability to support the operated department and allow early recovery to begin.

Injection treatment (injection for lumbar osteochondrosis)

The main manifestation of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region is pain. These complex multicomponent symptoms are associated with local inflammation, abnormal muscle tension, ligament damage, biomechanical causes, and dysfunction of the pain perception system. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in a complex. For faster pharmacological action and reduction of gastro and cardio risks, injectable therapy drugs are prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • painkillers (analgesics)
  • muscle relaxant (soothes, relieves muscle tone)
  • vasodilation (improves blood microcirculation)
  • chondroprotectors (stimulate the regrowth of intervertebral discs, slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue).

On the recommendation of a doctor, homeopathic injections for the treatment of osteochondrosis and vitamins can be used. For rapid and effective removal of severe pain syndrome, paravertebral therapeutic blockade is prescribed (injection into the lumbosacral nerve plexus).

Medical therapy

Traditionally, complex therapies for degenerative diseases of the spine include treatment with tablets and capsules, similar to the method of injection:

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • analgesic
  • myotropic antispasmodics (drugs to relieve muscle spasms)
  • vegetocorrectors (tone stabilizers of the autonomic nervous system)
  • vasodilators (to increase blood flow and tissue trophism)
  • dosage forms of chondroitin and glucosamine
  • sedatives and antidepressants (to relieve emotional tension and chronic stress)
  • vitamin and mineral complexes

Preparation of tablets for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is prescribed for a long period (up to 2 months or more).

Methods of Treatment

  • Therapeutic exercise (LFK)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Selection of orthopedic products
  • Massotherapy


Osteochondrosis, which affects the most mobile segments of the lower spine, can exacerbate existing visceral problems and lead to serious health consequences:

  • protrusion and intervertebral hernia
  • decreased sensation in the front of the thigh
  • weakness of calf and toe muscles
  • ischemic spinal stroke
  • pelvic organ disorders (sphincter dysfunction, impotence)
  • paresis and paralysis

To avoid possible complications, it is recommended to regularly engage in therapeutic exercises and minimize the impact of provoking factors.

Frequently asked questions

How to provide relief during acute pain in lumbar osteochondrosis?

In case of sudden acute pain, it is necessary to correct the lower back. This will paralyze the cramped muscles and divert the load from them. Then, if possible, lay the patient on his back, placing a pillow under the bent knee. To reduce pain, you should take medications with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (NSAIDs). In addition, you can use an ointment or gel based on diclofenac or its analogues, or use a cold compress (no more than 10 minutes). It is very important to exclude the load on the spine and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Is it possible to do physical exercise with lumbar osteochondrosis?

Physical education with lumbar osteochondrosis is not only not prohibited, but also recommended (with the exception of periods of acute pain). However, one should be careful not to allow axial loads on the spine and absolutely refuse to squat, jump and lift loads. A set of exercises should be selected by the specialist individually.